Monday, October 30, 2006

Sometimes I wonder...

I am on the only one paying attention? Am I the only one who is keenly aware of each day as it passes and am I the only one who laments another day gone by that was not spent doing what I know I should be doing? What should I be doing? Well.. that's complicated. Writing. Making money by doing something I love. Relaxing. Sight seeing. Ahh... I know what you're thinking. I need to appreciate the job I have. Appreciate the regular paycheck. I know you are right. Deep down I know I've got it made. Some are out there struggling for each morsel of food they eat- they can't hardly keep up with the bills and who knows what else they are dealing with- I KNOW that I am blessed. Believe me. Just that still doesn't keep me from wanting even more. Not more material things. No way. Just some "freedom". Some I don't have to get up at a certain time. Maybe a little bit of laziness. Tossed in with some real productive daydreaming and a whole lot of family time. Is it wrong to want to pick my daughter up from school- when school gets out- not two 1/2 hours later? No it's not. But, again- we are so blessed. She is ok. I am ok. My husband is ok. What more can we ask for?
So.. I will sit at this desk another day. Convincing people that walk in to join for only $450.00 and they will do it and I will smile and the world will go on.
Doesn't mean I am not still dreaming of what else could be....

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