Monday, June 11, 2007

Before & After

Well, I have to say my "start of something good" has gone pretty good today! I did have a afternoon snack of whole grain wheat thins that wasn't planned. I think I need to eat more protein- I know that will keep me from getting hungry. The grapes today were delicious! The orange- not so much. I like fruit- I just need to get to the point where I CRAVE fruit. Not there yet. The soup didn't do it for me for lunch. I need more- a sandwich! With meat & cheese please! Well still- I did great. Great 20 min walk at Big Spring Park. Such a pretty place- I was surprised that there were not more walkers. Made me wonder if they knew something I didn't? Yikes! But only one homeless person did I see- and he wasn't concerned about my presence I tell you what. He has much bigger problems than my big butt strolling his way. I pray he is ok!

Well I went to my virtual model today and did a before & after model. I want to get down to 165 lbs by next year. I will get down to 165 lbs by next year. Gotta do it and get this weight literally off of me.
Here is me before and after. What do you think? I think Kerrie needs some new clothes! Oh and a cruise! Oh and a weekend beach trip! Oh and what ever else I want! Ha Ha
Wish me luck. I need it. But I also know what needs to be done. Less calories in- more calories out. I know how to do what I need to do.
I just have to do it!
Yes heart I will do it!

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