It's a blustery cold Thursday afternoon- I still have a few minutes left at work but I have knocked out my long to-do list today with such dedication and determination I thought I would post a blog. I told myself this year I would blog more, so everytime it occurs to me to blog, I am going to do it! Now what does that mean? Well, it might mean that I post a lot of blogs that don't mean a lot to a whole lot of people- but I am hoping that the flow of ideas, dreams, and creativity gets me in the mood to write more- and therefore I am setting myself up for the time when I finally do what I was destined to do- write a novel. A bestselling novel. I am going to do it darn it!
Ahh...other than that- school is back in full gear. Seems like I have managed to pick a bunch of loaded classes this time- lucky me! Pre-calculus-ya ok- and Eng Lit II- love English! And also Micro Economics. Just some fun stuff- lots of reading but that's ok. Only thing is, I haven't been able to finish Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun or any of the other reading I have been wanting to do- and forget my Cricut! I am in the middle of a project for my Mom that I have not finished! So, lots of fun stuff to do and lots of crafty things to do and lots of reading to do and on top of all that- I have a pile of laundry like you wouldn't believe. But hey- it's great to be alive!
Again- a post that doesn't mean much to anyone else- but means a lot to me. I am feeling great- the meds they have me on are working great- I have lost some weight- not craving hardly any thing- and no problems with fear or anxiety. Thank you Jesus!
I really hope this Variety Show that John Mayer is in discussion with CBS goes through- I think it would be great to see him on network TV more- even for just a season! My TIVO is ready already!
I better get going. The day is almost done. It's freezing cold outside- gotta bundle up for my 6 minute trek home....
Loving myself,
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